Like the daisy who in Spring sprouts with ebullience
for it sees the sun above and feels and the soft gentle
breath of Nature on its petals that prods it to dance
in the breeze in celebration to its new beginnings
So too did I, when youth filled my being, did dance
about every morning of my waking t’if my innocence
was the gift of life never to be forsaken. The Spring
of my youth was the weave of my attire always to
be worn, never thinking it to be frayed or stripped
But to my despair and awakening, not only has my
Innocence been taken, my youthful exuberance has
waned, not because mine eyes see less clear, my arms,
my legs no longer with the same strength, no longer
run with prancing deer
This unnerving and less than desired transition from
youthful energy comes not just from an unavoidable
aging and time but because some ‘one’ and his enablers
now are clouding o’er the shining light of dreams
and hopes for not just me but for most in ‘our country’
Too many are in queues for food handouts, those who
can only their love ones from behind glass enclosed
spaces who may or may not survive their medical malady,
those whose children have been separated from family
and are in cages, those who have been stripped of dignity
and are now jobless and homeless, those who fear to leave
their home for fear of violence because of pigment…
Our societal dystopia has now been made real, exacerbated
by an insidious pandemic, by lack of addressing the historic
societal woes by enabling voices that are propagating hate
and lies in denial of the inherent systemic racism, sexism
homophobia now being drawn out from the once hidden of
its pervasiveness, all now being prodded and fueled, by ‘one’
vitriolic voice…