Friday, May 31, 2024


Today my wife and i celebrate thirty-seven years together, 

seventeen with a marriage certificate. 


i don’t know how many more years my legs will assist me 

walking upright on this Earthen terrain but i am overjoyed 

that one half of my life, she has walked along side me 
my longevity of three score and thirteen, is a gift and to  

have her by my side through our mundane vicissitudes 

despite her challenge of her medical infirmity, is a gift 

wrapped with Nature’s verdant bow 


Te Amo, Mi Amor~ 

Thursday, May 30, 2024

spirit when the sunbeams kiss the sea

 ~the spirit that evinces when the sunbeams kiss the ocean waves as white caps roll over and over until they play with the grains of sand on the beach or clap against the promontory that separates the land from sea~