i know my years gone by are too many too soon
my feels are that i have but scratched the surface
of a life not always well lived, although i have
painted my own canvas
i feel like a young bird that is perched on a sapling
singing my little heart to make rise my first morning
sun and not realizing the sapling i am perched upon l
will grow to be a grand old oak
in the morning the breath i take, although mine eyes
have not closed, transitioned from daytime reveries
to nighttime dreams, may be the first of the rising sun
but may also be my last
these words that i write today may be those of someone
else reading them long after my incarnate shell has
released its spirit, its soul from the tethers of this world,
from this transitory mortal stay
and whoever you are that is reading these words, please
sing them and never cease singing, for this sapling you’re
perched on will grow grand but you and she will depart
too soon, leaving your songs on this short sojourn