Wednesday, January 15, 2020

grateful today

i walk, no longer run
like when i was young
now, i look around not just
forward or behind, no longer
wish to speed up hours and days
and i cherish the present moments
with and every minute, i take my time

the sun rises on this glorious morning
i’m grateful that mine eyes opened
and so, i give praise for this day
the wonderment that it brings
my body my soul chose to
give me more time on
this earth, to stay

i cherish the flower, the
tree, the bird that perches
and sings for me, the wind
that caresses my cheek, the
grass tickling my toes on bare
and naked feet, but mostly that
in me enough love resides to share

years on Earth

time has stolen my years

has taken my deer like spring

and now i move like a sloth

where my years have passed

now only memories reside,

an empty space doth now replace

and if my spirit is in the wind

it shall traverse through time

riding a stream of a river’s rim

so when the wind blows upon

your face and in your stroll you

dip your toes at the river’s bend

take note of my heart within,

breathe of my breath, for it is my

spirit touching your soul

while my spirit blows in the wind

the blood of my heart lies in the grass,

for of the earth is where i came,

and so too, where i shall pass

Sunday, January 12, 2020


the shadows will be my attire

though my voice will be heard and

my heart will sing in rhythm and

along with my soul they will rhyme

i shan’t write a book, that of me,

you’ve pressed, but i will write you

a poem and read it to you so that your

heart with your soul will also rhyme

these words that i will scribe and share

with you, hope to make them sing on

the page so when you read them, they

will ask your feet to dance

though, you may never read my book or

see my face, as i will remain in the shadows

until my heart is still, my body laid to rest

my soul will not cease to dance and through

words and in some hearts, may they fill