Thursday, June 10, 2021

will i be remembered and carry on


i am in the midst of my introspection and

 reiteration of my ‘being’, my heart my spirit,

 what will the impact of my presence be and

be in relation of  this worlds sojourn


what of, when i befriend by my whistling with

the birds on trees, when i give the squirrel

peanuts and smell the waft of a wildflower

while gently touching its petals without felling


when i walk by a mother and child and i

smile at them and they smile back at me,

so that this friendly gesture will hopefully

make pleasant their day?


and as i take a stroll to find a tree to sit at

its rooted base, i lean against its trunk for

support while i lower mine to sit for a quiet

 pondering of all this


and when i pass onto my next sojourn, will

my intentions of my smile, my touch, whistling

with the birds be remembered ‘here’ and will

this carry on to my next transcending journey?


a smile and a tear

when the day becomes night

from the light to the black

and the smile that once was

now turns to a flow of tears


and the heart beats faster then

abruptly slows to a shallow pace,

it feels of something that no

one else knows


once, not too long before,

the spirit was full of life’s verve

and now it has waned to the

slight of tear drops falling


but i regret not, for once

not too long ago, a smile did

evince upon my face and for

that moment, i am grateful