Saturday, September 18, 2021

joyful dawning of today


The cool in the first days of September are made

more memorable when the sounds of crickets pierce

the silence of nocturnal sleep of all that is life through

an open window and through the noir of night until

this morning’s delight


and i wait till the horizon’s light of a rising sun ascends

to the transitioning chorus of cardinals, wrens and

robins that remain behind to awaken the day giving

pleasure to my ears and soon my restless eyes


my heart begins to flutter with joy that i am present

amidst all this, one more day, and soon to feel the

warm embrace of my lovely wife followed by a gentle

kiss and the soft greeting of her voice, ‘good morning’


i cherish that i can, one more day, carry my aging mini-

poodle outside, now eighteen almost nineteen, because

she can no longer climb steps, then comes the sound of

little paws from our other mini-poodle scampering down

from the upstairs bedroom where she sleeps with my wife


i am joyful for the dawning of today

i shall recover


my heart hurts and my spirit is injured

i hope that both can recover

if the flower can sleep at the end of its season

and evince as new the next spring

then i should be able to, also


if the sun sets, rests at the end of the day

lets the moon have its stay

then arise from its sleep the next morning

then i should be able to, also


and even if my incarnate being, my body

goes to sleep to rest, to allay its time from

this mundane sojourn, its spirit shall once

again rise, maybe in a transcendent realm

but i should be able to, also

unmitigated love for you


how many more ‘I’m sorry’ do i have left in me,

more important is how many more will you accept?


you accept that i am ‘human’ with many foibles

but will your heart begin to wane of forgiveness?


my love for you is endless and when i make mistakes

that hurt you, i am less likely to forgive myself than you

of me


if some day my mind will understand my heart and visa

versa, it will show that of all my human foibles, my greatest is

the unrelenting ‘sorry’, but not of unmitigated love i have for you


Remember me


when my body will no longer hold me inside

and my feet no longer can walk and dance

my arms are not able to hold you any more

my heart will remember the love i held within


will my soul remember my incarnate being after

it has been set free like the flower to the tree,

the river to the ocean, the moon beams to the sea,

the wind that blows the autumn leaves and like

all of this, will you remember me?