Saturday, February 26, 2022

Life is a choice of Love


My heart hurts, my tears flow, my spirit that wishes

to dance but cannot because it recognizes all the

souls that have lost their dancing spirit in the land

of Ukraine, in the presence of ugly ‘war’


For those of you who still embrace the likes of ‘trump’

when he’s praising the ‘Putins’ of the world, those

autocratic leaders who use a dictatorship strong arm to

control and subjugate people, I disavow your presence


I am painfully disheartened by those that believe that

human existence, all life in this world that we should

hold precious, choose to be destructive of its nature in

lieu of propagating its existence in perpetuity

Thursday, February 24, 2022

we are the ominous wind


the wind is blowing silent but gradually with gusts that

are a precursor to stronger portentous winds, those that

may disrupt the calm of flora and fauna not to mention

the comfort of the human spirit


it is not of Nature’s affects that i speak, but the ominous

conditions created that are coming at the hands of ‘man’,

where his choices have and continue to impact the natural

peaceful co-existence of what we call life


so as the winds come blowing in and we awaken to the

day and first we hear its howling, then see its potential

destructiveness approaching by the bending of trees

and the flight of the fauna, we, humans, should take

accountability for the sake of our children and theirs