Thursday, August 27, 2020

transition and change


Like the daisy who in Spring sprouts with ebullience

for it sees the sun above and feels and the soft gentle

breath of Nature on its petals that prods it to dance

in the breeze in celebration to its new beginnings


So too did I, when youth filled my being, did dance

about every morning of my waking t’if my innocence

was the gift of life never to be forsaken. The Spring

of my youth was the weave of my attire always to

be worn, never thinking it to be frayed or stripped


But to my despair and awakening, not only has my

Innocence been taken, my youthful exuberance has

waned, not because mine eyes see less clear, my arms,

my legs no longer with the same strength, no longer

run with prancing deer


This unnerving and less than desired transition from

youthful energy comes not just from an unavoidable

aging and time but because some ‘one’ and his enablers

now are clouding o’er the shining light of dreams

and hopes for not just me but for most in ‘our country’


Too many are in queues for food handouts, those who

can only their love ones from behind glass enclosed

spaces who may or may not survive their medical malady,

those whose children have been separated from family

and are in cages, those who have been stripped of dignity

and are now jobless and homeless, those who fear to leave

their home for fear of violence because of pigment…


Our societal dystopia has now been made real, exacerbated

by an insidious pandemic, by lack of addressing the historic

societal woes by enabling voices that are propagating hate

and lies in denial of the inherent systemic racism, sexism

homophobia now being drawn out from the once hidden of

its pervasiveness, all now being prodded and fueled, by ‘one’  

vitriolic voice…


conduit from me to thee


and like the ocean whose presence is

the world where marine life exists and

giving aesthetic value with its teal blue

by day, black in the noir of night


and so too the azure sky who garners  

puffy figurines on its face casting shadows

below and silhouettes of osprey soar about

watching o’er the mirror of the ocean’s floor


and like grand mountain peaks keeping

the sky from falling while at their base tall

sequoias stand sturdy letting streams of melting

tops run down and through their rooted feet


all, know their purpose in Nature’s arms

while I sit here wondering …what am I to be

in the scheme of all this? a conduit of the heart

and eyes to see, passing on from me to thee?

super synchrony, a balance


strength comes from understanding the balance

of ‘ Being’ in the likes of Nature and the spirit of

the Universe, the ‘super-synchrony’; that which

is within in sync with the external, the ‘all’, the ‘one’.


my strength is; allowing a free flow of emotions to be

expressed, thoughts, by choice, directed toward the

positive nature of a progressive mindset but being

careful not to restrict the free flow of creativity, for

‘imagination is more important than knowledge…’


the sturdiness and strength of a great Sequoia or a

grand old Oak come from their rooted feet where

underneath they drink from the water of streams and

the nutriments of the Earth while above from the rain,

nutrient from the Sun, dancing with the wind as it

whistles through its limbs and rustles its leaves


and as i sit underneath on rooted feet of this large

Elm hovering o’er my backyard, i listen to the cardinal

the robin, the sparrow and wren perched on its limbs,

i sit quiet, become selfless as the dusk arrives, and we

wave goodnight to the sun, welcome the stars and moon

as they arrive dressed in their night attire



Nature's Song


when a storm of rain comes down in torrents,

the wind blows with intent of destruction

and the gray of clouds displays of portentous,

i listen to the universal vibrations of music

my heart is soothed, my spirit calming


music lets me smile in the face of despair when

much around me is in aridity, of lament and woes,

while pain and suffering deride the peace that

should be inherent in the vestibule of Nature’s

plan with the Sun by day and stars delight by night


if your heart is aching and your spirit torn and you

have not access to a piano, a music box or horn

then choose to take a moment and listen to birds

for they are singing praises, the vibrations of

Nature’s song