Saturday, January 30, 2021

love nevermore


the perils in a day

when in love but can’t touch

can’t smell her or kiss her

let alone can’t see her


the heart slowly weakens

it cracks and crumbles

one’s breath becomes shallow

and the eyes swell with tears


it is this when one has loved

but life’s trial and travail assails

the spirit, the soul by taking

my love from me

emptiness fills the absence


a sunflower when sun’s rays don’t pierce the grays

of the day or the pike and walleye when the river

has been polluted or dried from a dam, birds when

the conifers, oaks or maples have been felled


and in the absence of this comfort, this familiarity,

emptiness fills the vacuum, vibrancy of spirit wanes

and the sunflower wilts, the pike and walleye no longer

run with the river’s stream and birds seize to sing


it is this i feel, my love, in your absence…


Monday, January 25, 2021

grateful for the presence of love


three in the morning, try to close mine eyes

to traverse through the dream world but

tears fill my eyelids so am unable to close,

my thoughts are embroiled in lament


life does not afford the present, the next hour,

let alone promise tomorrow and so my

reflection is on how the thinning hair on my

head is turning the color of the snow outside


if i am given another day, i will put my arms

around my partner, my love, i will kiss her and

will tell her how much i appreciate her, will not

allow the moment be devoid of gratefulness