Tuesday, January 29, 2019

unselfish and selfless

my words may not meet your eyes

and if they do, they may not touch your

heart and soul or tug with curiosity, rendering

the intended wealth of kindness

if they do, i wish for my words to impress upon

your human nature the heartfelt calling to

recognizing the presence of other’s,

of their bone and flesh

that your soul to witness the common space

we all share, while traversing this mundane sojourn

and that we must all give of ourselves unselfishly,

who upon, little and scarcity befall

whether it be of the mind or possessions,

to sustain or just to stay warm, let my words

impress upon your heart and human kindness

that all life has a common goal; to live, to Love

my reveries and night time dreams

…though my body is wanting rest

a light inside my mind stays on

and so my spirit remains awake

i partake in the mundane in daylight

and wish to transition my reveries to dreams

when sleep should fill the night

but because my soul revels in its own realm

It knows not wake or sleep thus my days

and nights are indistinguishable

If only pain and anguish were the same

as comfort and peace or sadness with joy

or hate with love

If this were so, then i would always

want to remain awake and my dreams

would then be my reveries much like

when the osprey casts its silhouette

on the Moon as its beams kiss the Sea