Saturday, January 23, 2021

breath of life is love


i shall gather my tears of yesterday

and marry them with my smile today

thus my sorrows will be erased so

that tomorrow will be born of joy


will breathe in the air of today

so that if tomorrow never comes

my soul shall remember the wonder

of life and sense the love in my heart

Friday, January 22, 2021

light has pierced the darkness


darkness for almost a half a decade

now a glimmer of light has pierced through

we must walk into the light and gather its

rays so when and if the darkness arrives again

we will not succumb nor let it take hold


tell our children the truth both orally and in writ

of how we turned our heads, closed our eyes

and we let the darkness take hold while many

of us sat in silence while some closed the blinds

to let the darkness in


once the darkness took hold our eyes closed

and we could not see the steps of the path

before us, we could not see our hands or the

faces let alone their souls of those who

closed the blinds


we must pass on this message to our children

so they can pass it on to theirs and they will

be the forbearers, the carriers of lighted torches

where darkness shall not again prevail



good riddance


today i am sensing the feelings of the sunflower

who in the morning awaits the sun to rise above

the horizon and hover o’er, be touched by the

warmth of its sunray fingers


feel a sense of relief like a balloon whose air has

been released and a big sigh of pleasure follows

while it flails about in the azure sky until slowly

and gently it is welcomed back to earth


like an eagle soaring o’er the valley, river and tree

and with a tilted crown and nurturing eye set upon

the nest it has lovingly perched on a sturdy limb

below where wide-open beaks await mother’s feed


a bittersweet of subtle joy comes o’er me today, for

i feel a relief from a portentous ill that has enveloped

my being in the last four years and has put a strain

on my spirit, my emotions and heart


i have shed more than four hundred thousand tears,

have lamented with many ‘Mamasitas’/Mothers,

wherefore, their children have been ripped from their

arms and whose hearts were and are torn apart


we’ll now share in our tears and little by little, relieve

our fears, say good riddance to the bastion of pain and

evil, embrace each other at a distance, rid us of two

 evils; an insidious pandemic and one personified   


my favorite tree and me

i sit at the rooted feet of my favorite tree overlooking

the pasture where wildflowers surround us like subjugates,

harkening for us to take pleasure in the dance they perform

with the breeze for me and my favorite tree


we sit here still in calming peace to embrace, to welcome

the day so serene and give of ourselves, becoming selfless

with all of this


we cherish this moment for no other will be the same and soon

the leaves shall fall from its limbs to sleep onto its nocturnal

wintry rest and i will shed my incarnate being to rest upon

my eternal sleep


both shall awaken again, my tree with its buds blooming in the same

realm in Spring, me in a different place but for sure embraced in love

that i take with me to my resting space of Spring