When the minutes and seconds
just before I must leave this
behindI will inhale deep once more
and hope your nearby
so that you’re the air
that I breath
I will take with me memories
of oceans and skieswhispers in my heart will be
from nights spent with you
our times holding hands
under the evening’s sky
its colorful hue
I fear not my leave
for the life I did weavewith you by my side
in the last hours before sleep
share our bodies warmth
one last kiss on thy cheek
I shall hum me a tune
that reminds me of youwhen our two hearts danced
as we counted the stars
under a blue moon
then strolled in the beach
as the sun cooled its feet
in the sea
I have no regrets
as my time was well spentfor I loved and I lost,
my pains at small cost
and so when I transition
into my gossamer wings
you’ll hear me sing our song
in your daytime reveries
and nighttime dreams