Friday, October 7, 2022

grateful for this day


~thankyou to begin the day~


some days i awaken to realize that i am tethered in

this incarnate shell that is grateful for the feel of the

breeze that titillates its covering we call skin, grateful

for the lenses that are recessed in ‘les tete’, capturing

the wonder of birds perched on trees then floating with

ease, the wind beneath their wings, soaring with ease

under the cottons hanging from the azure canvas above,

grateful of the musical sounds mine ears behold when

these feathered friends then begin to marry their voices

with each other for a choir of song


and then i realize and feel something beating in my chest,

a soft and gentle cadence of rhythm that seems to heighten

when mine eyes and ears capture the sights and sounds

before me, as the big yellow fiery ball begins to rise from the

horizon and makes all the colors of flora around me ebullient

and warm, they seem to come alive when these golden rays

lay upon their petals allowing them to display their true beauty,

the multitude of floral colors causing a noticeable flutter  

within, my ‘heart’, then followed by a calming peace that

comes o’er the whole of this incarnate shell, of where my

‘being’ resides


for today i will rise from this supine state and shall move these

appendages to carry me outside where the aesthetic of Nature

resides and shall walk amidst its bounty of beauty when i will

then raise mine eyes to look up then around, smell the waft

of the day, feel the presence of my being in its midst and be

thankful for this pleasure, be grateful for this gift that so many

have not the fortunes of, and if they do, are not cognizant of it

thus disappearing by ungratefulness or that which is called



~thankyou, as mine eyes close to rest~

live art


love looking at Nature art, great art, different styles, different eras,

seeing it is most satisfying, a pleasing aesthetic to mine eyes that

conjures thoughts of the artist who painted this beauty, where

were they, what was in their minds, their hearts, to want to try to

capture, replicate Nature’s intrinsic beauty

i walk out of my abode to traverse through pathways where the

wildflowers grow on their canvas, where trees hover o’er and during

Autumn displays their colors, the fauna plays in this garden and though

i am titillated by an artist’s interpretation of Nature, still life on canvas

mine eyes are enraptured by living flora and fauna, by the waft and feel

on my fingertips of sunflower petals, the vocals and visual beauty of

our feathered friends