Friday, June 4, 2021

dream of a smile

finally, i slept last night and i dreamt

that no matter which way i turned to

the faces i’d see all had smiles


those, that before, had tears in their eyes

the one’s that had sadness and pain

all of them had smiles


the bird whose wings were broken was

now mended and it flew high and sang

with other birds and they formed a choir


the wolf who no longer had to fear the

gun of a hunter and the dolphin not afraid

to swim without being ensnared in netting


i dreamt that i saw my Mamasita, now

in her heaven, singing and dancing, saying

to me ‘i’m okay, estoy bien, mi hijo’


and the greatest dream of them all, that

my love, my wife was cleansed of the big

‘C’ and we smiled together


it was nice to sleep again, nice to dream

again and when i awakened next to my love

we opened our eyes and smiled at each other