tears also
flow from the big and strong
they fall
lightly though, most times unnoticedwhen they scream alone in a space of quiet
silence falls on ears, unseen through eyes
of others
they carry
upon their shoulders
many burdens
brought to themwhich is what they choose to do
for the weak, for those alone
and for the elders
but in
this strength that they profess
possess, a weakness in their heartdevours them so too in their soul a sense
ef demise envelops them thinking
no one cares, no one knows
embraced the characteristics of love
empathy attire, its cornucopia of humanitysome days they lend a shoulder and in
other days they share its wares and wealth
the big and strong witness sadness for
lost in life and those touched by deathand for sure to be forlorn by the loss of a
child who only in memory they'll be adorned
the bigger
the heart the more it hurts, it hurts
and in their
soul tears flow and flow for they now know their strength came not
from brawn but from inside their loving heart
for this they are remembered after they are gone
much like the stars to night, like dusk to dawn