a crisp cold morning shall greet me
i shall not complain for when that chilltitillates my cheek i shall praise the day
as it awakens me to see the sun glisten off
the frost atop leaves of trees and a sheen
glittering off of the grass giving the day
a pleasant moment of ethereal
colors of russet, orange and yellows
the trees, teasing eyes of a beholding
taste of autumn,their leaves sway and flicker in the cool fall breeze.
amidst this charm blue jays squabble over feed
corn hanging from branches. a red headed
downy woodpecker chirps as he munches on
black oil seeds in a bird feeder while little claws
of squirrels and chipmunks can be heard scurrying
up the bark of trees and the choir of whistling
exchange by the warblers, cardinals and sparrows
i breathe deep this spirit of life
while reflecting upon those no longerby my side, i channel this beauty and
let them know all is well but miss them greatly.
surely they sense my greeting soul as i embrace
the thoughts of how in this wondrous moment...
love lies still but not quiet, in my heart