Saturday, May 14, 2022

when i am gone

mine eyes rarely close in peaceful sleep, for i ponder
moment to moment~ as my years are fewer ahead
of me than those behind, i grapple with the notion in
losing my consciousness, in being me
i do not fear that i will die, but will be aggrieved when
i will no longer be able to smell the waft of Nature, its
petrichor, touching, feeling, loving those whom i
love and the earthly things of which i care
wherefore, to my absence here, where will i be, and
will the memories that someone has of me or me of
them, will they still be in the consciousness, that is me?
in that i sincerely believe that love is the essence of all
that exists, and having witnessed love, in its many forms,
will i remain in existence in love’s universal spiritual realm,
when i am gone?
there will be those within reach of these words, these
ponderings, who will be critical and say, ‘it’s a waste of
time to concern oneself with the mortality issue, as it
interrupts the time from ‘living’
i say to those that are critical of my mindset, that
throughout the history of time, many great minds have
pondered this, withstanding the criticism of it being a
waste of time when in fact it is not but fills the void
that is present to 'no thought'
for it is said in the in the unfulfilled prophecy that ' if one
does not ponder the questions that are about life and
death, it is the unexamined life that goes unfulfilled’

Sunday, May 8, 2022

Happy Mother's Day/2022

today i celebrate one of the only designated days of the
Gregorian calendar that i appreciate its true worthiness,
‘Mother’s Day’
the human who is a conduit in this natural world of giving
birth, providing the cradle for life in lieu of the destructive
proclivities of ‘Man’
if given the choice, a ‘Mother’ allows her incarnate shell
to be the shelter for conceiving a life through an action
of selfless Love
this must be her choice and not made by those that wish to
‘rape’ them of this choice, yes, i stated ‘rape’ them of the
ownership of their body in lieu of self-serving agendas
on this day, let us celebrate the human whose role in this
world, not solely of course, but critical to the perpetuation
of life, thus Love, on Mother’s Day!