mine eyes rarely close in peaceful sleep, for i ponder
moment to moment~ as my years are fewer ahead
of me than those behind, i grapple with the notion in
losing my consciousness, in being me
i do not fear that i will die, but will be aggrieved when
i will no longer be able to smell the waft of Nature, its
petrichor, touching, feeling, loving those whom i
love and the earthly things of which i care
wherefore, to my absence here, where will i be, and
will the memories that someone has of me or me of
them, will they still be in the consciousness, that is me?
in that i sincerely believe that love is the essence of all
that exists, and having witnessed love, in its many forms,
will i remain in existence in love’s universal spiritual realm,
when i am gone?
there will be those within reach of these words, these
ponderings, who will be critical and say, ‘it’s a waste of
time to concern oneself with the mortality issue, as it
interrupts the time from ‘living’
i say to those that are critical of my mindset, that
throughout the history of time, many great minds have
pondered this, withstanding the criticism of it being a
waste of time when in fact it is not but fills the void
that is present to 'no thought'
for it is said in the in the unfulfilled prophecy that ' if one
does not ponder the questions that are about life and
death, it is the unexamined life that goes unfulfilled’