Friday, February 11, 2022

choosing to be me


when i say, i’m looking for or i’m searching, it is inside

of me where i hope i can find the answer to all of this


the day begins after the night leaves, i try to be more than

witness to the dreams and reveries, making life worthwhile


and as i stroll on the path that i will choose, i will sing and,

so too, will dance to the tune inside my heart, of my spirit


play on, i say to myself about how i wish my life to be,

how i wish to love, how i wish to live, let not the woes

identify me

in the passing of time


in the passing of time, the flower changes its hue

the clouds soar by and the wind whistles through

telling all where it’s been as it makes the tree sway

whilst in it, birds play, the squirrels scurry about

as the night gives way to the delight of the day


in the passing of time, rivers run east and west

north to south and the seas welcome them as the

catfish and salmon continue their journey as they

greet the dolphin and orca comparing the running

of the river’s water to riding the ocean waves


in the passing of time, the human hath traversed

the valleys and the forests sharing with each other

from where they came and where they’re going,

while in their journey they greet the deer and run

from the bear and as an act of survival they hunt the

buffalo to use their skin for coats to wear


in the passing of time, the young boy grows to be a

man, and the young girl becomes a woman as she

propagates and perpetuates life with children and

the wolf howls with joy and the Eagle soars in the

celebration of this gift the female is bestowed by

Mothers’ Nature


in the passing of time, as a portentous storm comes in

laying havoc upon ‘man’s’ construction, interrupting his

self-made destruction by descending into vitriol, from

anger into hate, embracing apathy then making wars thus

in the telling of this storm, t’is that ‘man’ is not in charge

as he believes to be but is the universe’s spirit, its balance,

for this is how it will be, this is how it is…