Tuesday, December 22, 2020

human, wildflower within


wildflowers grow in all their colors

attracting the eye and smell of the

bees and hummingbird and they

are sated by sweet nectar


the grasshopper jumps up to enjoy

the leafy petals and stems that are

tasty to him, sits on his haunch to



and the mantis comes to observe

the wonder of the multicolored hues,

sits back to meditate and cogitate of

all this and why it is this way


mother Nature gifts all these riches

to which is her nature and so is the

sun, the wind and the rain for they

are here for each other


if only ‘man’ could be in the same

whereby, with each other, be of the

nature of ‘humankind’, relieve those

in hunger, t’if a field of wildflowers


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