Sunday, November 8, 2015

the eyes of the soul

behold what lies within
from eyes of the soul
as they visualize a world
of beauty and love but are also
witness to and of their absence 

this is within all of us and if we
reach with extended hand, take 
hold and embrace these riches

within, for when we consume love,
and when we embrace beauty
we become such and to this
end, so too, will our progeny

tell a man this not to be true
and they will prove you wrong
for they will go forth and
reject the disdainful of destiny
and thus shall change the universe


  1. the inner journey is important in this life..beautifully expressed. ...

  2. Wonderfully done, my friend. I especially love your closing lines.

  3. I do so agree that love given will be returned and spread...beautiful ending!

  4. It is nice to have the faith that the universe can still be changed.

  5. Yes! So what are we waiting for? :-)

  6. This is absolutely wonderful, I often watch and listen for signs from the universe.
