Saturday, November 24, 2018

footsteps left behind

i hope, at minimum, the flower and tree
that i've sat before and underneath,
the wind whose whispers of wisdom 
has kept me company in my solitude, 
the running spring and its residents 

hoping the aves that observe me from above
while i reside in this mundane space on this 
sojourn, they will have witnessed a spirit
sated with the verve of life

for i cherish the air that i breathe,
footsteps that i am leaving behind,
songs that i am singing and words
both spoken and written from a heart
never full but always giving

Monday, November 19, 2018

fire and storms

devastation of storms and floods appear 
then come the hell of fires and words are
said from a tongue of sharpen blades not for 
the sake of pain for loss or sorrow but for the sake
of their own tomorrow 

the flower does not blame the wind
for its loss of petals, the rain for
their wilting, the sun for being parched
with too much heat or for the night
stealing the day

in selfishness and greed there is
no good that comes but a sadness
and lament avails for the souls departed
and all who is left are the lonely and  
the cold hearted

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

foot pritnts

walking along in a slight powder of snow
i look behind and notice no foot prints
is it the brisk cold wind that has blown
away my steps or is it that i may not 
be leaving my foot prints behind?

will my existence in this short sojourn
be remembered let alone noticed or will
the million tiny breaths i've taken, the million
words  i've spoken or written, the many hands
i've touched, will anyone recall that i was here? 

if nothing else, my hope and wish is that
someone will reflect upon my sharing of
the tiniest, if not insignificant, moments
spent sharing tears and joys, my giving of
the pieces of my heart, the love

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Nature's transition

yellow and russet leaves blanket the still verdant blades of grass
they dance with a shimmy and sparkle from the dew as the morning
sun rises now farther away than in a Summer's day

the large stoma and petals once yellow now a dark brown lay down at
a once vibrant sunflower's feet to recycle with nutrimental loam not to die but to garner Winter's sleep

soon a cold northern Winter wind shall blow and all will be covered
with a blanket of snow whilst houses align in the dawning of a spewing from chimneys a dark grey and white smoke  

Monday, October 22, 2018

be here, now

…so i sit here quiet and still and
in a soft and gentle whisper of my mind
i say to my yesterday 'be gone for i am
you, now' and to my tomorrow i say
'i await you but not now'

for i am the breath of which i breathe, now
i hear the silence and feel the presence
of all that is present around me which allows
me to become my surroundings and escape
the self, becoming selfless

Saturday, October 20, 2018

at this moment

i wish to be a flower or a tree
feel the sun braze my petals and 
the wind ripple through my leaves

to be the mountain kissing the sky
the water that reflects Nature's attire
without care and still to dare

if i could escape but for a moment
the angst of life's travails without
the death of my soul

wander into a euphoric nothingness
and still maintain love's heart and soul
in a moment, i would do so

Monday, October 1, 2018

Reflection of a smile

i saw a smile on a daisy and on
a sunflower, today, when then the
sun touched them with its fingertips
their smiles were cast upon their feet

and i watched the sparkle of water on a
running stream as silhouettes danced
from the maple and oak standing on its
banks admiring their reflection unabashedly

a curious robin flies o’er and rests
on a limb of the oak to see what they’re
admiring and it too sees its reflection
and begins to whistle with glee

as i sat down i heard the whisper of
the wind say to me…’if you look into the
stream your reflection will be carried to
the river’s end  onto the sea when then the
moon at night will share its smile in perpetuity’

Thursday, September 20, 2018

asking, of Love

do you come from my heart
or do you reside in my soul,
for sometimes i feel you in
the depths of my gut and
inside every teardrop trickling
down my cheeks to my toes

if you are omnipresent do you  
feel pain, angst and sadness,
understand the hurtful absence
in the departure of love ones
and do you battle with the
evilness that is called hate

my ‘being’ senses that the
spirit of the universe is much
grander than even my imaginings,
that it encompasses that which i
know and that which i don’t, a
balance of all

and so if i can ask a favor, Love;
will you be my friend, my mentor,
be the conduit to understanding
from whence i came and from
whilst my journey will take me,

will you hold my hand?

Sunday, September 16, 2018

remember my song

when i depart from this Earthly sojourn
will you remember me for the words i wrote
those which i spoke and that which i did,
for those who i chose to walk beside that
shared a common tone and some that didn’t,
the hugs and embraces, the gift of friendship?

shall my legacy withstand the scrutiny of your
memory of me whilst we became disheartened
with each other’s unfulfilled expectations, then
yielding angered words flung at each other
or will you remember the hearty laughs we
shared, the quiet tears and subtle smiles?

will you remember the music that i played on
my guitar, the songs i sang for me and for you,
the dances we danced, the holding of hands when
we walked along the river’s bend and sandy beeches
between our toes until the crimson Sun laid down 
to rest in the horizon, the Moon then smiled at us?

i know that wherever my soul resides in its next
abode and if by chance it maintains the mundane
spirit of memory, it will remember all this but
most of all it will recall that we bathed each other
in Love. soon our souls will be as one, again


thought i was healing

for a moment i thought i was healing
healing from the vitriol spewed by haters
i thought mine eyes would be given a respite
from the impoverishment they have witnessed
not just by the homeless and the hungry, but also
children left alone by heartless humans not just by
separation like caged animals but so too from bombs

though my tears have waned my heart still wanders
about lonely and in pain from continued uncaring
humans who only want more of this and that,
caring little for those who have much less
if anything at all and most unfortunate
that their souls are sad and lonely

and hearts are empty of Love

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

my flower friend

there’s this flower that stares at me
when i walk outside to greet the day
Its golden pedals and a crimson smile
stands at attention in its Spring attire

i sit in front of it without words spoken,
quiet and still, we both stare at each other
in reflection until dusk veils o’er our faces
and then the moon, at us, glances

when summer warms our dress and we
awaken, one glistening in dew the other
in sweat, both still awaken with aspirations
to praise the day under the sun’s array

so then when the cool of Autumn arrives
it asks of us to change into our Fall display
we embrace its request and welcome the
season and change into the color of russet

soon the cool winds will blow and in the
cold, my friend’s golden pedals will drop
to lay down and sleep and so too my soul
will take a reprieve in the Winter’s gray  

and i shall, in the quiet of my room, sit
before the mirror in reflection with arms
folded like golden pedals, cheeks on my
face turned crimson from Winter’s cold,
will become, within, my friend the flower

heart versus soul

sometimes i feel the strife within
as too much of a struggle
theirs an anguish of disconcerting
and of disenchantment

i try to see good but mine eyes at this
moment can only see a fog or of nebulous
at best squelching my inspiration and
desire to find joy

not self pity but a recognition of my
occasional descending state of mind
into a space without light, unable to feel
my way even with arms stretched out

so empty is that sense when wanting love’s
presence and it seems to be beyond my grasp
when once i thought I saw its glow, my heart
followed the light only to find a void

i think the soul, not being of this world,
does not understand this heart’s mundane
grief and pain and asks the question……….
‘you wish for me to leave or stay another day?’

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

my flower friend

there’s this flower that stares at me
when i walk outside to greet the day
Its golden pedals and a crimson smile
stands at attention in its Spring attire

i sit in front of it without words spoken,
quiet and still, we both stare at each other
in reflection until dusk veils o’er our faces
and then the moon, at us, glances

when summer warms our dress and we
awaken, one glistening in dew the other
in sweat, both still awaken with aspirations
to praise the day under the sun’s array

so then when the cool of Autumn arrives
it asks of us to change into our Fall display
we embrace its request and welcome the
season and change into the color of russet

soon the cool winds will blow and in the
cold, my friend’s golden pedals will drop
to lay down and sleep and so too my soul
will take a reprieve in the Winter’s gray  

and i shall, in the quiet of my room, sit
before the mirror in reflection with arms
folded like golden pedals, cheeks on my
face turned crimson from Winter’s cold,
will become, within, my friend the flower

Thursday, April 5, 2018

'if forever is tomorrow'

if forever comes to mean…just until tomorrow
then let us hold each other tight under night’s
light, not to sleep but to Love until the last
minute of our last hour, 

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

the visit of forever sleep

oh sleep, you have abandoned me
you only visit on occasion and when
you do, it’s but for a moment or two

i realize that i make little room for you
with thoughts of abandoned children
whose life on earth is hell, scared of
waking to explosions that have already
taken brothers, sisters, mom and dad

oh sleep, come and visit just for a while
so that my body will regain its strength
and my heart and soul its rest

soon the ache in my heart for the hungry
who feel abandoned by humankind
shall subside and the pain of sorrow
for those discarded to the wayside because
they’ve been deemed a burden shall wane

i wish to dream of oceans and streams, of
Mountains and trees, of fauna skirting about
joyfully amidst the waft of flora in a gentle breeze

i shall cease from allowing the words of a tyrant
engulfing my mindset, affronting my every step of
my waking hours with the oppression of his imposing
dictates that have duped a flock of followers who
care little about the hearts and minds of others

oh sleep, i shall make room for you to visit soon
once the love of my life feels comforted in that
her health will be rejuvenated to where she
and i shall walk hand in hand along the sandy
beach, morning to dusk, where we’ll then lay down

together for that long forever restful sleep

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

love, you left my heart

i ask my heart
…why comes your pain
…you make mine eyes tear
…my breath is quicken
…my soul despair?

…pangs from waning love
…seeing lonely and uncaring
…the air is poisoned not of soot
…the chime of hope disappeared?

i ask from Love
…where have you gone
…is there no one to share
…has your spirit left my heart
…are you no longer one?

in the reveries of days
   the wind blows briskly by
       i watch the blackbirds fly
          the white cottons kiss the sky
             my dreams ask the question why

and so, bathed in sadness, i wait