Friday, December 2, 2016

solemn of today

my eyes open this morning,
breathing hastens with desire
and my heart heaving at a pace
only my soul can understand
of this embrace i will have today
for tomorrow may not come my way

tell me, you, who also awakens
with such love for this day in
the same way, of common desire,
to reach for another open hand
that perpetuates with risk what
is good, amidst an insidious hate

i witness the smile of a sunflower
this morning when walking between the 
pines where acorns and cones have fallen,
fodder for the chipmunk and squirrel whilst
their world also enters with the sun as
the breath of wind attends to their being

soon the barren limbs of trees shall
be wrapped in a white linen of Winter
and the blades of grass will be crisp
with the cold, the light of day will yield
to a veil of gray and the night shall glisten
with a shimmy and glittering of lights

solemnity abounds underneath the Moon
and stars where once the cricket and owl
could soothe one to dream, now the wolf’s
howls are mourns with trepidation for
 the river, the tree, the fish in the sea,
the Eagle’s eyes welled with tears for
all the likes of you and me


  1. That image of tears in the eagle's eyes because of humankind will stay with me, Marco. Very powerful.

  2. solemnity abounds underneath the Moon
    and stars where once the cricket and owl
    could soothe one to dream, now the wolf’s
    howls are mourns with trepidation for
    the river, the tree, the fish in the sea,
    the Eagle’s eyes welled with tears for
    all the likes of you and me


  3. "i witness the smile of a sunflower / this morning" this is a beautifully bright image in the cold gray winter days...

  4. There is much to be solemn about in the world today - and yet i was drawn to that seems to offer light and hope

  5. So solemn, so poignant, so filled with feelings, Marco. Peace be with you...and this solemn time.

  6. "and my heart heaving at a pace
    only my soul can understand"

    Luv the paradox in verse one; there is indeed so much that we do not understand yet we are cognizant about

    Have a good Sunday Marcoantonio

    much love...

  7. This is so filled with a melancholy that fits the season, the nature is there as a mirror almost.
