Friday, December 16, 2016

set Anne Frank free

there’s a demon that has robbed our souls
he wears a mask and a self-made crown 
spewing his flames through his mouth and nose
and we the victims are but cartoons in media
as we smolder in charred black and smoke

how did we close our eyes and let him in
to pull us down into this abyss where there’s
swirls of fire and pain as we stood holding
hands in complacent and comfortable bliss?

a garden we once had sowed where the daffodil
and sunflower ‘growed’, the rose and the tulip
sharing the soil in the rain, the sun breathing
in the wind and they dance under the moon of 
night and starlight in different colors of attire is
discerned, only, in the gatherings by daylight  

too many souls have now taken to hiding and
writing their notes, like a million Ann Franks,
in their attics quietly under candle-light and
their scripts read of anguish and angst knowing
in their heart, if they cease from watering the lily, 
the rose, the daisy and tulips, the garden 
will be no more

shall we take shelter from this dark cloud rolling
in with this masked demon at the helm or shall we
fill our water jug and quench the thirst of the tulip,
the lily and daffodil, re-till the soil with seeds and  
saplings so that they may grow setting free the
Ann Franks of the world and their souls  


  1. My best hope is that the electoral college will do its job and set free all the Ann Franks. I am thinking of the 7 year old girl in Aleppo as well, whose voice has gone silent. I love this poem, my friend, especially the watering of the tulips to set free all the Ann Franks of the world. Sigh.

  2. wish we could all quench the thirst of the tulips and lilies...a moving poem...

  3. Such a poignant poem and thought - it would be nice to believe we could all live and think and write in the daylight with peace in our worlds.. and yet there is courage in still speaking the truth when forced into hiding..

  4. Let us be the guide to these Ann Franks of the society. Powerful voice and sentiment here.

    Happy Holidays Marco

  5. This is a trumpet blast "free the voice of all poets"

    enjoyed the garden metaphor, basking in your watered blooms.

    much love...

  6. Yes Marco, really appreciate your call here and water we will... Your metaphor hits the spot here in terms of the times we have just lived through.. Thanks for the heartfelt reminder to be who we should...

  7. Unfortunately, many people don't think about history....and what it could be like if this country does not come to its senses. Happy holidays to you, Marco.

  8. In the new world to come, the word of the poets will be even more important, and in the long run it will conquer... I think we need to prepare with our ink and paper to defend what once was built.

  9. This echos so much of the frustration and anger I feel these days.

  10. "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing". Let's hope there are sufficient good men and women to see that disaster does not occur.
