Tuesday, October 25, 2016

what color is the wind

what color is the wind,
when blowing through the forest,
the flora, the fauna, the trees? 

what color is the wind,
wisping across the ocean,
over rivers and over streams?

what color is the wind,
soaring above with clouds 
and riding the azure sky?

what color is the wind,
i breathe as it flows through
my lungs, my veins, my heart?

what color is the wind,
that gives verve to our souls?
is it not the color of everything,
the color of all ?


  1. It is, no doubt, the color of everything. Cool poem.

  2. That ending stanza sums it all, the color of all ~

    Wonderful questions and refrain - I love it ~

  3. This is a lovely question poem and I love the ending!

  4. oh yes it is... very nicely done!

  5. The beauty in nature, and our attention to its gifts & wonders - is an amazing sight. You've captured her essence here -- lovely. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Just gorgeous... what color is the wind as it touches us all.
