Friday, September 9, 2016

onto this new day

onto and unto this new day
when first comes my morning’s breath
i shall smile and laugh upon the tangles
and tugs in the face of death

i hear the melodies of my waking friends
the cardinal’s whistle, the melodious wrens
they’ll lift my body from recumbent dreams
to amble out onto Nature’s streams

a 'sol' of warmth,  a breath of soft wind
shall start my waking day, the night on end
naked feet will be tickled by grass and dew
and my spirit brimming with life’s anew

bring all the pain and angst you can muster
for i’ll still dance amidst a daffodil cluster
the song of a robin and a finch
shall lift my spirit in a pinch

come, share with me, embrace the day
for all too soon this will give way
to the moon and stars in night’s abode
but that too is dream filled, so, i am told


  1. This is lovely, my friend, the serene awakening, and the anticipation of nightfall........

  2. Each day at waking hearing nature busy or with the sun out oor evne rain on the window is still a bonus. This really is such a beautiful poem Marcoantonio.

    1. you are correct mi amigo. i'm in that stage of my life where every breath i take is a welcome. gracias for visiting

  3. what a battery of beauty you arm yourself with against the vicissitudes the day may bring

  4. Despite all of life's pains - if we can still dance in daffodil clusters we are doing very well indeed..

  5. "that too is dream filled,"...the line's full of wonderment, joy and happiness...

  6. To embrace each day --- yes, this is something we must all strive to do!

    1. every little bit of stimuli to remind us to embrace the 'now' is advise well taken. gracias

  7. Still loving it, the birdsong, the dancing with daffodils in the face of earthly angst and I especially love the closing lines - that even in that final sleep, there will be dreams. Sigh. Wonderful!

    1. if we live for the now all will become dreams eventually. gracias for visiting mi amiga

  8. Love the idea of carpe diem in your poem :) Beautifully done.

  9. The morning can be great, but also nightingales are wonders...

  10. Enjoyable read, so thank you for your poem.
