Sunday, May 1, 2016

the 'now'

pondering from whence i came
yes, mother’s uterine canal
but what about the seed
the egg from life’s very beginnings ?

did I begin from a thought
conceived of a feeling, a notion,
from a star in all its
chaos and commotion ?

did my spirit, my soul travel
through a multitude of universes,
of eleven dimensions, traversing
on the string theories of aberrations ?

when my body crumbles to the ground
and the breezes swirl me all around
ride the eddy of the wind onto the sky 
then up, up hitching a ride into space

there the dark energy shall carry me
to a place where once my incarnate
being was but star dust to be assembled
into me but with the universe at my feet

then i open my eyelids from this reverie
back to embrace this reality, seeing flowers,
the grass, the trees, the sky and breathe in
this day’s warming breeze, i cease pondering
for love surrounds me and so i cherish the ‘now’


  1. Oh I do love this...where do we come from...and where will we go....for now our lives are richest in these present moments!

  2. Beautiful, Marco, both the wonderings, and opening your eyes to the beauty of now.........

  3. We do wonder that so often.. and then we forget those thoughts... and then they come back to us... I clearly remember a moment when very young, when I wondered how I got there... I can feel how I lie in my bed pondering.

  4. This is simply beautiful and I often wonder from where life began...

  5. I agree! These questions are fascinating, and I think it is human to ponder them – but here and now is where it's at; let's enjoy all this while we can.

  6. Wisdom abandoned and returned to as the better alternative to following a trail which may not have an end. Though I understand the question intimately.

  7. You have the most thought provoking reflections!!
