Monday, February 15, 2016

we walk together

you who’ve walked beside me
unknowingly and then behind me,
or you arrived and stood before me
you saw me and did not say hello.
do you remember me?

i saw your eyes when walking by,
smiled at you, you didn’t say hi
you turned your head, looked away
while my fingertips being frozen,
my pants and socks soiled and wet,
under street night lights i am shaking
and afraid, hungry in the light of day

i used to have a coat like yours,
a cap that would cover my ears,
dry clean socks and shoes,
a warm bed, a roof over my head but
without notice, life took me by surprise,
lost my children, lost my wife

i’ll be here alone with nostalgia at night,
and reveries by day keep me sane distract
my body in pain yet still .freedom of breath
so if you hear my heart while walking by
and don't turn your eyes away from me
i will still share with you a smile for we
will have ridden this wave of life till death


  1. Oh, I can see him, cold and hungry, wishing only for a smile, a brief shared exchange, to know someone sees him as a human of worth. There is a lot of heart in this poem, my friend.

  2. There but for the grace of easily we can become is ignorance to pass by maybe fear..maybe easier to stomach? A powerful poem

  3. May we all be human enough to see each other and lend a hand. The alternative is just too bleak...

  4. I wonder how often we just pass those faces and look away... I try to smile and say hello as often as I can... I could feel his pain.

  5. I agree with Sherry....such humanity shown by the poor hungry person who we can learn so much from. He shows more humanity to those of us who have become blinded....this is fabulous.

  6. This really touches me, Marcoantonio. We do need to pay attention to those in our midst and have compassion. We must not avoid their gaze, as there but for the grace of God go any one of us.

  7. The third stanza really speaks to me.

  8. This is beautifully sad. I like the tenderness of it, and the way it ends with the wave of life. Lovely writing.

  9. Wow! Amen to this brother! A parable for this gloomy Sunday. thanks. Greatly appreciate it.

  10. It is so easy to ignore or condemn without knowing the true story. Best we don't judge but give the benefit of the doubt.

  11. life is there where love is...a beautiful close...

  12. I like your unconditional love and smile at any outcome...

  13. So good to read this again at this time of year. So many people struggling. You have such a good heart, Marco.i love the new background on your blog.
