Thursday, February 26, 2015

my heaven is you

your fingers long and slender
soft and tender when they touch me
to them i must surrender
and let my heart feel free
…y deje que mi corazon se siente libre

you enter into my life
by walking, standing near me
speaking gentle caring words
where you and i
into each other’s arms doth render
…en los brazos del otro render

whisper in my ear of our yesteryears
how we kissed in the dusk
before our first night together
and we held each other, oh so tight
promising our secret song only to each other
…prometiendo nuestra cancion secreta solo uno al otro

the deep azure in your eyes pierce my soul
your smile envelops me with rapture
and still your gentle touch long and slender
provides me in my waning years
the sustenance of the verve in life,
into my arms, you’ve helped me capture
…en mis brazos me ayudaste a capturar

i awaken in my heart to this in the mornings
wish for this to never end
and when it does which all must do
i shall carry in my soul the love of you and
onto my next sojourn which no matter where,
with you in my heart, will be my heaven
…contigo en mi corazon sera mi cielo



  1. Just lovely. Refrains in the mother tongue add the flair!

  2. Marcoantonio, your writing is so beautiful!! It's good to be so full of love :) 'I shall carry in my soul the love of you', such heart melting words. Well done :)

  3. Great poem and wonderful technique repeating the line in Spanish.

  4. Beautiful, Marco! I really like the last stanza...which speaks of deep love through the years and continuing on into wherever the next sojourn is.

  5. So beautiful, especially with the added kines in your mother tongue. A poem in the language of love, which resonates deeply.

  6. How effective it is repeating the last line of each verse in your mother tongue in this sensuous love poem.

  7. Oh, so romantic. My ear must have a bias because I find the Spanish so much more romantic. Gracias Amigo. Ojala disfrutes de tu amor por siempre y con mucha ternura.

  8. love is so vast and one birth is simply not enough ...beautifully captivated..

  9. This is really beautiful and tender ~ I love the verses in your mother's tongue ~ Title is amazing too ~ Thanks for your response about my daughter's photography ~

  10. So tender and romantic. Love the lines in your mother tongue though I didn't understand a word of it.
