Sunday, February 16, 2014


yesterday I saw a face of a young man
eyes closed body cold all the inner organs
removed but the suit was pressed nicely
it lay there undisturbed by the many hands
walking by to touch and say a goodbye

sadness, tears, some waliing filled this space
not just for his souls surprising departure
but of how he chose to cease his beating heart
stop the pain causing him to scream loudly
but quietly inside where no one else could hear

he chose to quiet these screams echoing
through the air down the rivers bend
as his body sped downward with gravity
mindlessly down, down  off a bridge
that didn’t even know his name

his mother his father his brothers his sister
his children their mother didn’t know
of his wishing to fly away. wanting to discard
the insuperable pain yet recklessly leaving behind
questions and queries and those screams  
the screams that now reside in them



  1. such a cruel thing to leave others burdened with.

  2. I know mi amiga. but i try not to judge especially when it comes to this type of choice that comes from deep deep in the abyss of a dark place. war sometimes does this to soldiers both in the battle field and now most recently exposed the affects of PTSD. i have other veteran friends that have made this type of choice before but at that time it didn't get the attention of present. i'm not justifying the seemingly selfish choice but one does not understand anyone's personal demons and or dark abyss

  3. Oh the wise truth in this - he stilled his inner painful screams, that now live in the grieving hearts he left behind. But I do know, sometimes the pain feels too great to be borne. I hope those who are left behind are well loved by those around them, so they can make their way through and beyond this time of pain and grief. I feel for his children.

  4. well said...i hope those who are left behind are well loved by those around them...

    gracias mi amiga

  5. It is so true that no one knows another's pain. I have struggled many times in that place but have been blessed with the strength to find my way through. It is to the ones left behind, that all grace must be bestowed.

  6. aka_andrea, you are not alone in the visitation of that 'place'. evidently i too have had the strength to survive the alternate choice otherwise this is eerily being typed by my ghost.

    have a wonderful 'lively' day mi amiga

  7. I've worked with those left behind by a suicide. The survivors need support and love so that the pattern is not repeated. This was heartbreaking.

  8. i was not intending on being flippant about the issue and I'm glad you mentioned the breaking the pattern issue, mi amiga, Lolamouse
