Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Care to Listen

If I did not speak of
the burdens of pain
little attention would
be given to caring

Judge me not for taking
on this challenge
a volitional choice
in spite of the slings
that may come my way

If our eyes do not behold
that which brings sadden tears
beauty would be indiscernible
their would be no caring

If one does not extend
one’s hand to lift another
one would be blind
and fall

If one does not listen
to the beating of a drum
one will not understand
the mellifluousness of melody

With what the heart is filled
one will not feel
if it does not let love in
their would be no caring


  1. Right....we have to listen to hear the full range of human experience, both wonderful and terrible.

  2. Mi amigo, this is one of your most beautiful poems. I love your worldview and philosophy. I especially love the stanza that begins "if one does not listen to the beating of a drum". Wonderful writing - and caring - my friend.

    I am horribly busy these days and am way behind online, in writing and commenting - and am about to be away for a few days too. Sigh......but I do want to respond to the prompt at Toads later today, it's a good one!

  3. You are one of the most caring people I've met on this online "world." Reading your posts always reminds me to reach out to others and I thank you for this.

  4. Is there anybody I need to kick in the shins for you, my friend? *puts on boots*

  5. You're all so sweet. Gracias to all mi amigas for visiting and making the kind comments. For what I speak, is a heart that we all share.

  6. this is a part of a conversation i have been having about the necessity of pain. it seems in this world we try to do everything we can to distance ourselves from pain but pain is the opportunity to groom empathy and compassion (other forms of learning too, value, mortality - which speaks to value - and attention). what are we without pain? but how necessary it is for us to respond to it, in ourselves and in one another.


  7. empathy and compassion we all must strive for but pain is why we strive for it. Doesn't mean we should be without it but only to understand it.

  8. felt like an open flower! We have to share and be open to the human condition!
