Sunday, December 25, 2011


Pondering in the early dawn
looking out the window
overlooks a birdbath
where a crimson red cardinal perches
also a large blue and white blue jay
both have crowns on their heads
wonder if I have one

A grey cool mist has settled
tiptoeing on the grass
grasping the trees like a veil
strange that their’s no pristine
cover of white upon this landscape
on Christmas Day

A log is crackling with
blue yellow red flames
bursting of freedom
in my fireplace
soothed by soft vocals from
songstresses coming out of a music box

If this be the last Christmas
last Hanukkah, last Holiday,
called for by philosopher kings
and ancient calendar makers
then let their be calm and peace,
sated bellies, warm embraces,


  1. Gracias, Fireblossom. 'Que tu estrellas brillaran'(that your stars shine brightly), a verse from a spanish song.

  2. Happy Holidays to you, nene. Hopefully, this won't be the last for any of us. (Oh my, when I went to post this comment, my "safe word" was "judged!" I hope that's not prophetic!)
