Monday, September 9, 2024

i love to love

love that mine eyes open in the morning 
and i remember that i have loved and just 

maybe have also been, in this mundane 

sojourn, a fortuitous longevity of life 


that my heartbeat was in sync with my 

siblings and lifelong friends i've made, 

Mi Mamasita’ in giving me birth, now she 

too has been reborn onto an eternal 

transcendent realm 

i love my partner, my wife, of thirty-seven 

years and how she has made my heart 

beat with a flurry and my spirit dance, she 

has opened mine eyes to a joy that replaced 

a sadness within 
i love the trees that sway in wind and are  

home to birds that sing, squirrels that play, 
the flora that tickle their rooted feet, and 
the stream that runs along waving with 

many ‘hi’s’ of ripples running by 
i love the ocean and its tides that roar upon  

the shore In sunlight by day shimmying with  

silver delight and in the noir of night it becomes  

a mirror to the stars as the moonbeams kiss 

the sea 
i love that i have been given this gift of life with  

eyes to witness, mine ears to listen to its music, 

hands to touch and feet to run, a spirit of dance, 

but most of all, a heart that beats in rhythm with 




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