awaken by Mother Nature’s thunder just outside the window
where my head lies next to my love partner and upon a soft
restful pillow
grateful for this nudge from the stormy skies and billowing
dark clouds for as mine eyes open, i am reminded of how
fortunate we are, my partner and our little canine at our feet
as i lay here now with mine eyes wide open to the present,
i reflect upon those who cannot sleep because the thunder
comes not of Nature but of bombs exploding o’er
i reflect and ask my spirit that resides within all my fortune,
to breathe calm and peace into those who sleep underneath
Nature’s portentous wakings without the warmth of shelter
to this morning’s awaken of thunderous alarm, saying thank you,
as i have made it my mantra to this grateful greeting, i say it before
I close mine eyes to sleep and when they open to a morning’s delight
I do too, Marco, just so grateful for it all.