Sunday, March 5, 2023

empathy shall prevail


as the morning arrives after a sleepless night

grateful is my heart, my spirit smiles, for i am

rich of life, wealthier than many because i have

my princess canine child, still have my wife


although mother nature’s attitude has been fickle

and vacillating, one day it glows with the warmth

of its radiant eye, stars twinkle at night, the moon smiles

then next, it’s angry breath blows tumbling the calm


‘man’ seems to mirror this vacillation between calm

and an angry storm, some of these souls are the

dark clouds throwing down thunder and lightning,

whilst the rest try to take cover and just thrive


yet, even those who are victims of these storms, who

wish to only care and share, some are influenced by the

angst of the storm, the vitriol, the hate, their empathy wanes

whilst trying to protect their own   





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