Sunday, December 11, 2022

i wish for this again


am i alone, when walking about in these now diurnal days,

with the feeling that all around me seems to be a dusting of

a nebulous cloud where nothing is clear, whether by sight

or by sound, all is darkened by casted shadows of uncaring

souls and the hurtful vitriol harkening from their voices

where once there were sparks of joy, inspiration, and hope

evincing from shadows cast on shady days and neighbor ladies

were outside on lawns sharing turnips for tomatoes, potatoes

for lettuce, whilst their children played together and fathers

shared a beer as the waft from the kitchen stoves pervade


dusk would arrive quietly and the lights from abodes would

ornament the streets as the moon would begin to light the

sky coming from the reflection of the sun dawning its restful

sleep onto the crimson horizon and one could see little twinkles

of flickering stars coming out to play in the noir of night


this delight of calm and peace, a setting where the days’ work

was arduous but then the evenings’ rest comes as mom and

dads sat next to each other on sofas and the children now with

eyes closed lay their heads on pillows in bed with bellies sated,

and tranquility sets in, steals from the busy of the day  

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