Tuesday, November 29, 2022

i am here, still


i close mine eyes to try to sleep

but my thoughts run and run

whilst if they must i try to focus

in the present but they always

seem to reflect upon the past


then because they do not wish

to rest, to bring dreams of lilies,

daffodils and verdant fields, they

come juxtaposed of faces, smiles

and tears, those from yesteryear


is it because they wish to speak

to me once more, letting me know

they’re okay, they’re still present

for my heart and spirit still to touch,

they are with me, are near, are here


i wish them well and glad to hear

but my world is still with my loved

ones in the present to hold their

hand, to kiss their cheek and feel

a warm embrace, their arms in mine


when i open mine eyes, her face

laying next to mine and she opens

hers, we greet with smiles then our

lips touch gently, she asks ‘did you

sleep well’, i say ‘yes, i am here’

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