Sunday, January 2, 2022

i choose to love


in my youth too many days, too many years mine eyes
were closed, mine ears were deaf, for the life that i was
given that i now feel was filled with too much grey mist
and mirrors, and with too much noise
not until my life teetered into the thoughts of no longer
possibly existing did i open mine eyes, looked around and
began to listen to the sounds beyond the noise, for i came
to the realization of how this life is a gift to be embraced
not unlike most sages in history, common human beings
like myself question the existence of a deity, of a ‘maker’
ignoring excruciating anguish life has bestowed upon me,
wondering why there is no intervention to cease this pain
like so many that have witnessed and have been victims
of life’s discomfit, tragedy, disenfranchisement, through natural
causes or destruction, of evilness from human persuasion
and the loss of loved ones, we experience this and question
but as i have been fortunate to have survived my personal
travesties and have been fortunate to have, somewhat with
grace, learned that life, itself, does not recognize my pain
and sorrow, so it’s my choice to accept and embrace it
the greatest lesson i have learned from life is; I have
a choice as to how i meet these challenges and whether i
disavow, disdain and hate, or choose to embrace life' tears,
its joys and smiles, but most important, to Love

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