Friday, June 7, 2019

loving life

lately, as the number of my years have accrued when

now i close mine eyes to coddle that ever so desirous

gentle sleep, my dreams are filled with the faces of those

who no longer walk along beside me amidst the waking day

upon this mundane sojourn

sometimes i feel a joy with their presence surrounding

me again but then sometimes this dream filled journey

brings memories of where angst had garnished our days

with pain and i could feel tears run down my face with mine

eyes still closed as my head lay on the pillow

but then when the morning’s tug awakens me with the sound

of a choir of Cardinals and Robins, Sparrows and Blue Jays

singing my favorite tunes, while the waft of a lilac bush just

outside my open window in Spring, fills my room and

mine eyes open to a loveliest vision of my love laying

next to me and my canine children at my feet

love fills my heart, sates my soul and until my last breath

i shall cherish the nocturn dreams and daytime reveries,

shall love life for all its worth

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