Wednesday, October 16, 2013

a smile lost

we’ve carried the smile of our hearts
in our hands for so long, now.
feeling safe that we would
not drop it

the love sick smile that we
once stored in that secret
special place where only
you and I knew its keep

we would bring it out
to share to pleasure upon
even when there’d be pain
and turmoil rampant
we’d wrap ourselves
in our smile and all would
be fine

burning coals could be
underneath our naked feet
and we would not notice
with the nascence
of our smile

have we displaced its keep
or did it fall
slip between our fingers
while bathing in the suds of time  
rinsing in waters of complacency

will you help me find it
and grasp it tightly in our hands
shelter it in a new secret cove
not to be misplaced again


  1. So true of so many relationships. We can only hope and try to find it again. I love the lines "hile bathing in the suds of time,
    rinsing in waters of complacency."

  2. sometimes a smile is all we have to keep us going.

  3. I so love this. A smile has been my trademark, masking lots of inner pain - and I so empathize with "bathing in the suds of time, rinsing in waters of complacency". I MOST love the request to help you find it again. You are a true romantic - it will not be far from your grasp.
