Monday, October 15, 2012

Moments Reprieve

I remind myself of seas, green and blue
lighted by only stars and moon
and ospreys cackling in their wake

For streams and brooks that splash
and scurry through as water
soaked shoes squish while chasing
a make believe sailboat, a stick, in the stream

Recall the smiles and laughter of love
surrounding me through sunrise and sunset
singing in harmony with siblings
the songs mamasita taught us

All this while my ears pleasure
in the sounds of tickling nylon strings to
Flamenco/classical on my callused finger tips

This moment, a reprieve in the stead
of temporary tribulations anguished thoughts
or lamenting heart for the mundane things
not in my control


  1. Oh, amigo, I so know - those things not in our control. But a lovely escape to play the music of your youth and remember..........bittersweet, as always, though, I know. Are you anywhere close to being back in your house yet?

  2. "close but no cigar" and old spanish proverb. Just kidding, it's not spanish :-p

    We're getting there. All is well. I was just escaping for a while. Gracias for checking in, mi amiga

  3. Sometimes your imagination is the best (and only) escape. I was so glad to hear that you had your dogs with you! Hope your house will be ready soon.
