Friday, January 27, 2012

That Day in June

Remember that day in June
when our tongues
had shared in the tickle
of the drops we collected
from the cool drizzle
of the afternoons delight

Our faces raised upward
laying on the embankment
of that river who had also
shared our first kiss
locking our hearts
that day in Spring

Remember we giggled
when that toad burped
excuse me, I said
and the stream of water
sang over stones and sticks
from around the bend

We laid there supine
for that moment of innocence
when all was fine
our harried cares and worries
were carried away
by that Monarch miracle
in its gossamer wings

That day is remembered
tendered by the gentle
heartbeat in that secret
chamber of my heart
where it stores
that lovely day in June


  1. Certain days just seem charmed. How could they ever be forgotten? They are too precious to forget.

  2. authentic poetry, love the word play.

    make a contribution to us if you could, bless you.

  3. You have written a very beautiful lyric of Spring. I'm not 100% certain which of Daryl's photos your poem references, however. Perhaps the trees in blossom in the park?

    Thank you for visiting my Snapshots of the Sky website. Your support is appreciated.

  4. Wonderful poem of a cherished memory, precious and vivid.

  5. Your words are lovely and reminds me of the coming spring ~
