Saturday, March 15, 2025

~light will come~

The moon, last night, mimicked the daylight star we call, the sun 

it showed its beams of light more grand and brighter

than the many nights before

it was telling us, that even when our eyes are closed

in darkness by angst of fear,

light will become larger and brighter replacing the

darkness of yore

Thursday, February 20, 2025

~twelve a.m.~

 When the morning’s curtains open and the sunrays grasp the earth,

I shall open mine eyes, look around and take part in awakening my
life for one more day, I will listen to the aviary choir outside my
windowpane, harken to my spirit within to dance in rhythm with
Nature’s breath and play amidst the flora and fauna holding hands
with those whom I love and love me back until dusk and mine eyes
become weary again wishing to rest underneath a nocturn sky~

~being in the present~

 ~Hours and days go by so quickly now; being aware of the acceleration of moment to moment allows me to also be most attuned to the present, the awareness of observing the totality of my being present in this space and not just looking as being distinctly separate from all that surrounds me

I listen, I smell, I touch; hearing my breathing,
the whistling of the wind, the rustling and different
songs of birds in trees, the scampering and chasing
of squirrels coming to eat the peanuts I’ve left for
them. Smelling the waft of the winter snow gently
glistening from the moon’s beams, gliding down
not unlike the petrichor of drizzling rain in Spring
Then I observe our three canine rescues running
freely with joy from yard to yard of neighbors’ homes
playing in the snow as I stand with my lovely wife next
to me gently holding her hand with full knowledge
that our love has and will sustain for many years, those
already shared and those still remaining, aware of this
time by each other’s side, our love never waning~

Sunday, January 19, 2025

when the spirit ceases to dance

death does not usurp 'Life', when eyes close indefinitely or the moment
when breath no longer resides within, but when the spirit ceases to dance
in the key of life, thus, this is the tragedy that doth avail the human spirit~

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

~Be Kind~


Mine eyes opened this morn with elation, being

comforted by the Cardinal’s mellifluous song and the

Blue-Jay’s caws, who stick around even in the cold of

winter, and with the white of snow covering branches

of conifers, maples and oaks, they ornament Winter’s

canvas with the radiance of crimson and blue~


My heart flutters with joy when awaken to this, for it is

a gift of one more day upon this floating verdant and

azure mundane abode, where my body is fortunate to

reside upon with the wealth of many years’ longevity,

sheltering the life of my soul, allowing my spirit to

dance, as a partner, to life’s verve~


Yet, beyond this gift of beauty, what I am heartened

and most grateful, is to being witness to life itself and

sharing the love of hearts, for having been given to me

whilst I have been capable of reciprocating, whether

in the sunlight and or moonbeams of a gentle Spring, but

more so when needed, in the travails of Life~


~be kind, give, Love, from this day on~

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Reflection 2024


In reflection of these last three hundred and sixty-five days,

some garnered diminished attention, many were inspirational by

wafts of wonderful smells, sounds of song and music from voices

by humans or avian, or the sounds of rustling leaves of trees from

wind, of running streams and brooks, or the callings of creatures

in the woods. There were many moments of laughter and smiles

from family and friends, smiles from strangers.


Yet, many tears were shed of aching hearts, the angst and sorrow

of my mind and spirit from the passing of my brother and three

close friends. Stories and visions of suffering and sadness from

distant lands of devastation from fires and floods, hurricanes and

tornados, from the wanton deaths and killing of innocent people

because of famine and wars, the result of ignorance and stupidity

from prejudice and hate


And so now, I shall breathe in deep, shall conjure in my mind, my

heart and spirit, my being, how tomorrow being the start of our

new year, according to the Gregorian calendar, I will think positive

despite a portentous arrival of a dystopian condition being bandied

about by the ‘2025MAGA’ leadership in our U.S.A. Republic. My wish

and hope is that there will be enough caring minds and hearts who

will promote and carry our Democracy through this challenge


Monday, December 16, 2024

~recalling our love~

   ~my mind wanders and wonders, winding again and again

on to thoughts of loved ones who are now at a distance, of

those who came in innocence and left quietly  

this time of year, i remember, recalling of how our two hearts

were one, how our hands were intertwined into one another’s,

our lips gently kissing, and I wiped away your tears and you

brushed away mine

we knew in that moment, in this world time was integral to

the beginnings of our journey, the essence of our shared

existence until the unavoidable ending

and through this all, the path we shared, we leave footprints

for others to walk upon, leaving their own yet knowing that we

were there before and they too hold hands, kiss and whispering

to each other the omnipresent gentle sentiments of Love~

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

~oh Love, wash away the tears~


wait, what are these wet beads trickling down

my cheeks of which my spirit did not intend,

for i wish to dance of heart and feet


the minutes and hours cast shadows, fleeting

by through my days lately, and not wanting them

to be bathed in a basin filled of emptiness,


my spirit, even though embracing all of life’s

manifestations, its verve, the least of which

i wish to experience is loneliness


in this space and time that i am given here in this

sojourn, please let it be touched by the aesthetic

of Nature's hand, and truly, with the heart of Love

Monday, September 9, 2024

i cherish her so

she is with me now and i wish for her to be

with me for a while longer, for months and years 

i want to see her azure eyes looking back at me,

her lovely kissing lips, the smile she shares with me 

the touch and warmth of her palms, when we hold 

each other in an embrace, the feeling of our hearts 

beating on each other's chests 

i love you mi amor, please stay with me a bit longer

in spite of our last oncologist visit, let not this insidious 

infirmity in your blood that is creeping, separate us


from this wondrous mundane sojourn 


she is sleeping now, for it is 2:30 a.m., unaware of these words


i write of my lamenting spirit to her possible absence, the 


beating of our hearts as one, and how i cherish her so~ 

do you love as i do

 ~when i ask, ‘will you still love me tomorrow’? 

if i ask, ‘did you or have you loved me the way i do you’? 

and if i ask, ‘do you know that love does not belong to anyone, 

to anything but it is the fiber of all, the essence of everything,


if you understand this, then i accept when you tell me you love me,


that you love me as i do you’~ 


 ~as i now walk this path, my choice of path,

remain quiet and ‘still’, where still is not 

being physically immobile but being a receptor


to all of Life’s aesthetics; visual, auditory, tactile,


etcetera, which surround me, in and with every


step taken on this path~ 

i love to love

love that mine eyes open in the morning 
and i remember that i have loved and just 

maybe have also been, in this mundane 

sojourn, a fortuitous longevity of life 


that my heartbeat was in sync with my 

siblings and lifelong friends i've made, 

Mi Mamasita’ in giving me birth, now she 

too has been reborn onto an eternal 

transcendent realm 

i love my partner, my wife, of thirty-seven 

years and how she has made my heart 

beat with a flurry and my spirit dance, she 

has opened mine eyes to a joy that replaced 

a sadness within 
i love the trees that sway in wind and are  

home to birds that sing, squirrels that play, 
the flora that tickle their rooted feet, and 
the stream that runs along waving with 

many ‘hi’s’ of ripples running by 
i love the ocean and its tides that roar upon  

the shore In sunlight by day shimmying with  

silver delight and in the noir of night it becomes  

a mirror to the stars as the moonbeams kiss 

the sea 
i love that i have been given this gift of life with  

eyes to witness, mine ears to listen to its music, 

hands to touch and feet to run, a spirit of dance, 

but most of all, a heart that beats in rhythm with 
