Thursday, September 7, 2023

Nature's way

~i am totally enthralled with Spring when it arrives and mine
eyes open wide to the colors of Nature's dress,
i love Summer and the warmth of that golden eye that gives
nutriment and verve to flora and fauna and warmth to my
but then i know that Autumn is the rebuilding, the changing
of attire with all its rustic brilliance as it awaits the artic cold
that's soon to come our way,
and then the gray of a Winter's day only to be ornamented
by the festive holidays of 'man's' lighted array,
never disavow the season you are present in by saying 'i look
forward to', for you will never know the truth of Nature...

this is Nature's way~


  1. A beautiful, wise and visual feast of a poem :-)

  2. Every season has its joys, but I love fall best, with the leaf colour, the sharpness in the air..........
