Sunday, January 15, 2023

feels in my heart and dancing spirit


these nights, lately, when mine eyes should be closed
and body resting, my daytime reveries transform into
dreams and the spirit of my being, now has its time
to intertwine with the grander spirit of the universes,
i am restless because i share the anguish of so many
souls have no warm of place to sleep
in the first days of this ‘new year’, although my days
run sequentially and not delineated by reference of
the paradigm of a ‘year’, i wish to expose my heart
and show that my spirit dances in tune with that of
the ‘universes’ for they are one, and i share it with
those who also ‘Love’
when mine ears hear the waters of a river or stream
run o’er fallen tree branches and honed stones of
their edges because the water has softened them, and
so too, mine eyes witnessing feathered friends of all
colors against the canvas of crimson sky, whilst the
salamander swims in the stream, i, with you, share
and when my lungs fill with the air of Nature’s breath,
i will breathe it upon you of which first i place in writ
and then sing it in word with music in the vibrations that
also makes of the sun and its fingered warmth of rays, the
wind swaying the flora and trees and then the moon and
stars in the noir of night
for these are my intentions, with the beginnings of these
days, in this ‘new year’…



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